Canada's Plant Hardiness Site

ANUCLIM maps and models

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Email us if the plant you wish to report is not listed on the site, or to report any nomenclature errors.

family: Asparagaceae

Maianthemum canadense wild lily-of-the-valley,Canada mayflower,Canada beadruby,false lily-of-the-valley
Maianthemum canadense subsp. canadense wild lily-of-the-valley,Canada mayflower,Canada beadruby,false lily-of-the-valley,twoleaf Solomon?s seal
Maianthemum canadense subsp. interius wild lily-of-the-valley,Canada mayflower,Canada beadruby,false lily-of-the-valley,twoleaf Solomon's seal
Maianthemum dilatatum twoleaf false Solomon's,Pacific May lily,false lily-of-the-valley
Maianthemum racemosum feathery false Solomon's seal,large false Solomon's seal,false spikenard,plumed spikenard
Maianthemum racemosum subsp. amplexicaule western false Solomon's seal
Maianthemum racemosum subsp. racemosum large false Solomon's seal,feathery false Solomon's seal,false spikenard
Maianthemum stellatum starry false Solomon's seal,star-flowered false Solomon's seal,little false Solomon's seal
Maianthemum trifolium threeleaf false Solomon's seal,threeleaf Solomon's-plume,swamp false Solomon?s seal

ANUCLIM maps and models

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