Canada's Plant Hardiness Site

Choose a species from the list below.

Email us if the plant you wish to report is not listed on the site, or to report any nomenclature errors.

family: Boraginaceae

Lithospermum canescens hoary puccoon
Lithospermum caroliniense plains puccoon,hairy puccoon,yellow puccoon,Carolina puccoon,golden puccoon
Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum plains puccoon,hairy puccoon,yellow puccoon,Carolina puccoon,golden puccoon
Lithospermum incisum fringed gromwell,fringed puccoon,narrowleaf gromwell,yellow puccoon,incised puccoon,trumpet stoneseed,narrowleaf puccoon,yellow gromwell,narrowleaf stoneseed
Lithospermum latifolium broadleaf gromwell,American puccoon,broadleaf puccoon,American gromwell,American stoneseed
Lithospermum officinale common gromwell,European stoneseed,European gromwell,pearl gromwell
Lithospermum ruderale Columbia puccoon,woolly puccoon,Columbia gromwell,white stoneseed,wayside gromwell,whiteweed,western puccoon,western gromwell,western stoneseed,lemonweed